SAP Recognized for Market Leadership in Utility Solutions
International Data Corporation (IDC) has published a new vendor and market analysis profiling the leading providers in the worldwide enterprise videoconferencing Gartner and IDC, two prominent IT market research advisory companies chose SAP as a “market-leading” supplier of software and services to utilities companies. Gartner, Inc., placed SAP in the Leaders quadrant of the “Magic Quadrant for Utilities Customer Information Systems.” IDC lauded SAP as a leader in this report, “IDC MarketScape: Customer Care and Billing in Competitive Unbundled Energy Markets, 2012 Vendor Assessment”.
Over 600 utilities, worldwide, take advantage of software from the SAPr management of customer care and billing. SAP has made significant investments which ensured that utilities solutions better meet the changing needs of today’s energy market. Key features provided by that software include enhanced features for billing agents, support for “demand side” management programs, mobile device integration and new features applicable to advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) integration.
James McClelland, senior global director, Industry Marketing, Energy and Utilities, SAP, explained that customers in both liberalized and regulated markets rely on the SAP Customer Relationship Management and Billing for Utilities package to meet business needs in the rapidly changing energy marketplace and that SAP provides a far reaching, unified environment in which utilities can operate.
SAP Partner and Leading Business Consultants, Cornerstone Consulting, Provides Business One (SAP B1) Software, Configuration, Modification, Installation, Programming and Tech Support Services
If you’d like to feel like a “hero” – “rock star” – “champion” to your organization, you’ve found the just the right company to help you. Since 1983 Cornerstone Consulting has been providing state-of-the-art business software systems, as well as related technical support, to small and midsized manufacturing and wholesale distribution enterprises. With SAP’s ERP system for small businesses and midsized companies, SAP Business One deployed as an On-Premise or On-Demand solution, you can supercharge the performance of your entire enterprise. Let us show you how your business can run better than ever before.
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Source: SAP in the News