How Structures and Practices are Changing Within Sales Divisions

Many engaged in sales will tell you that the profession does not resemble what it was a decade ago. Globalization of the major economies, ever changing and significant developments in technology, seemingly constant escalating sales costs and ever changing buyer behaviors significantly impact the ways sales oriented businesses organizations operate. Many of those changes have impacted well established assumptions and changed current thinking concerning previously accepted methods that were expected to generate success in the extant sales environment.

Insights Regarding the Automation of Sales Processes

Ponder this: the perceived value of field sales reps versus inside sales reps. Typically, sales managers expected top performing field reps to leverage a mix of strong people skills, competitive drive, and a well-stocked list of contacts to make sales magic happen quarter after quarter. As any sales leader can attest, however, the superstar rep is difficult to find and expensive to retain. Even with the backing of great training and the proper mix of incentives and compensation, a strong field sales rep is no silver bullet. The bottom line is that pervasive changes in buying and selling behaviors have forced us to rethink the way we build and operate winning sales organizations. The winning formula now involves adopting and implementing new practices and tools, specializing and segmenting your sales force, and automating many of your sales processes “all of which you can accomplish best by building a powerhouse inside sales team. That’s why we’re seeing a growing dependence on inside sales to carry revenue.” According to a joint study conducted by InsideSales .com and InfoUSA, the inside sales model is growing 15 times faster than the traditional sales model (“Remote Sales Trends”).

Inside Sales Trends

“As head of strategy and business development for Inside Sales in my division, I feel it’s important to learn about inside sales structures and best practices not only from inside sales leaders outside our company but also from my colleagues around the globe across the divisions within our own company .” Inside sales teams are not only helping companies transform the way they sell; they are also adding millions in incremental and sustainable revenue to the top line of global businesses. Inside reps can help you engage more buyers, increase chances of winning more deals, and accelerate sales cycles. They can also help you create more predictable revenue streams and forecast revenue with greater accuracy. And all at a far lower cost than what it takes to run a typical field-sales organization.

There’s still a place for the field sales superstar in the sales profession. But by shifting opportunities to a high-level inside sales organization, best-performing companies focus their most senior (and expensive) salespeople on negotiating and closing only the largest, most resource-intensive opportunities without missing out on smaller, higher-volume, or easier-to-close business. Inside sales assures these opportunities are covered through a disciplined and consistent process of engagement and follow up. That means your company leaves less money on the table and delivers a better customer experience.

Research Inside Sales Strategies and Best Practices

The implications of developing a highly effective inside sales team are enormous for global businesses. In fact, some companies consider their inside sales strategy and execution a major competitive advantage. This eBook will illustrate the many ways in which an inside sales group can make your organization quantitative, predictable, measureable, and scalable. You’ll learn how to identify trends, make better business predictions, and set better expectations with your board of directors and shareholders (to the delight of CFOs, CEOs, and managing directors everywhere). Most important, you’ll find out how you can replicate the success of top performing inside sales teams that are achieving a competitive advantage in today’s technology-enabled, data, and metrics-driven selling environment.

Sales Technology and Automation Analysis

As SAP Gold Partners, leading providers of SAP Business One, and award-winning value added resellers (VARs), we’d be happy to show you a simple, safe as well as affordable road map to inside sales success.

Your dream team of sales automation consultants can be reached by calling 813-321-1300.

We’re looking forward to listening to all of your sales strategies and collaborating with you to make your business more profitable than ever previously imagined!

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