The latest version release of SAP Business One version 9.2 offers many new and exciting features that are sure to improve your company’s efficiency and profitability.
Here we’d like to outline some of the most useful enhancements in SAP Business One 9.2 and how you can utilize them to improve your everyday business processes.
- The new update provides more Project Management functionality, combining financial information with project activities, resources and other documents to easily see the bigger picture. Having all information for a given project in a single, convenient location allows you to better analyze budgets, generate reports and make more informed decisions about each project. These new features allow you to easily locate all A/R and A/P invoices associated with a task to help you see your costs and profit values for that project. In the new project management module, you can break things down into sub-tasks or phases, and even create stage dependencies so one leg of the project cannot be started until the previous stage has been marked complete.
- SAP Business One version 9.2 for HANA offers Intelligent Forecasts, a process that uses statistical data and trends in demand history to predict future needs. The information that this provides about past trends is invaluable in assessing the growing demands of your business and planning accordingly. The forecasting results from SAP HANA can be used as an input for material resource planning, and can also be manually adjusted to more accurately reflect your needs.
- The new Prices Update Wizard has greatly streamlined and simplified the process of updating and maintaining price lists. Some features include the ability to update multiple item prices and price lists at once, select specific price lists or items to be updated while leaving the rest unchanged, and convert prices into foreign currencies. There’s even a simulation mode that lets you preview your changes before applying them, avoiding any potential mistakes.
- Last but certainly not least is the addition of Browser Access for SAP Business One version 9.2, which offers countless benefits for employees who work remotely or travel often by providing them with a secure environment in which to work. Additionally, this feature eliminates the need to install the SAP client on a local computer, meaning your company will no longer have to purchase Remote Desktop software licenses or expensive hardware upgrades that previously were necessary to ensure your computer met the software’s requirements.
All of these features and more are available in the newly released version 9.2 of SAP Business One. It’s clear how these enhancements can boost productivity, lower costs and increase overall efficiency of your business—but don’t take our word for it!