Tips For Advancing Your Business To Business Email Marketing Campaigns
As time goes by, more and more business marketing and advertising vehicles appear. Approximately a century ago, word-of-mouth, print ads, posters on store windows and posters on horse-drawn wagons were the primary marketing vehicles. Currently, in America, it would be hard to list all of the marketing and advertising vehicles available to marketers of goods and/or services. Business-to-Business (B2B) marketers have stayed abreast of the new advances. In fact, B2B marketers may lead the pack in incorporating e-mail as a major component of their business marketing plan.
The article linked below is an easy to read primer in “elevating” the effectiveness of a smaller company’s B2B email marketing practices and procedures. It lists a mixture of technology and time tested marketing tips and techniques that can enable small and mid-sized ventures to improve response rates and generate bigger profits. Perhaps the most important tip is emphasizing content quality. The author, Nicole Merrett, is vice president of CRM Marketing for Sage North America. Sage is a leading global supplier of business management software and services for small and midsized businesses. The Sage Group now employs more than 12,600 people and supports more than 6 million customers worldwide.
The author emphasizes the importance of sending “content rich” e-mails as opposed to ones that stress a sales pitch. Why? Well, she believes that contacts who receive helpful content are far more likely to respond to suggestions or offers contained in a content rich e-mail. Further, she cautions that while your e-mails may have a pleasing appearance and interesting content, they can have weak “open” rates. If you encounter a weak “open” rate, she advises that you isolate and test specific elements of your email marketing campaigns.
While the article linked below is directed toward B2B marketers, it provides some insights that are applicable to conventional email marketing strategies. Example: “It is more important to send content-rich emails than ones only emphasizing a sales pitch. When your contacts receive helpful content, they are more likely to respond to offers. A gardening materials supplier that offers horticulture tips is in a great position to make a sale when prospects need seasonal planting materials. Identify email topics by listening to your readers””the people who take time to contact you are the most likely to become customers. Study their requests, questions, likes and dislikes. Create how-to articles””or even new products or services based on your customers’ input””and they will likely remain loyal.” Please see:
For help with business marketing strategies and campaigns, contact Cornerstone Consulting at (813) 321-1300 today.