Website Visitors Who Do Not “Click” Can Be Impressed By Your Site And May Return
Some very knowledgeable people in the frenzied arena of Internet marketing have decided that counting site clicks may not be the most useful way to determine the impact of online display advertising. That insight has spread rapidly because a number of pertinent articles summarized the results of recent studies which strongly suggest that the click is often the wrong metric for that purpose.
The data seems to suggest that site visitors who don’t “click” can be impressed by the website and return to it in the future to purchase something the visitor had seen during an earlier site visit. That has prompted increasing numbers of e-marketing website owners to analyze the phenomenon so as to understand how best to capitalize on the “true” effect of online display advertising. In all likelihood, new methods will evolve to accomplish those purposes. Perhaps the most difficult fact to obtain, or conclusive data to extract, will be how many site visits preceded the site visitor’s purchase, that is to say, “How “˜Sticky’ is your website?”
Of course, to businesses which rely on direct to consumer marketing the “click-to-sales” ratio is a very important item in the analysis of campaign effectiveness. However, in these difficult economic times, it might well be advisable to examine all aspects of your Internet marketing plan, even if direct e-sales are not a driving force in generating net income. After all, more net income is preferable to less net income.
So, if any part of your business plan includes direct sales via the Internet, clicks are meaningful indicators of the merits of your Internet marketing campaign. A sometimes overlooked method to generate clicks on your website is to use “Banner Ads” on websites that are frequented by folks who comprise segments of your target market. For example, suppose a significant segment of your target market consists of senior citizens. Ask walk-in senior customers or clients what websites they visit regularly and then investigate placing “banner ads” on one or more of those sites. Historically, “targeted ads” generate more sales per advertising dollar than broad coverage ads. So, it is important to garner as much information as you can, in a subtle manner, about personality characteristics, likes and dislikes of your client/customer base members.
The appearance and content of the “banner ads” should be tailored toward members and potential members of your target market. The more information you have about their likes, dislikes, daily lives, avocations and socio-economic levels, the better will be your “targeting” decisions. Further, if you have have or gather such information and provide it to an Internet marketing company, it will be a great aid in their efforts to provide the best “bang” for your bucks.
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