Business Insights and Tech Tips April 2013

Business Insights for Small and Midsized Enterprises (SMEs)

The Future of Your Office Is Wireless
Next year new devices will start to come to market that will make your desk a whole lot less cluttered.
See: Future of Your Office is Wireless


Rise of the Microserver
Go ahead and keep your data in-house. Thanks to some of the macro names in computing, servers are going micro and getting more efficient.
See: Rise of the Microserver


Who has Responsibility for Cloud Security?
As more organizations leverage the cloud for critical business applications, they are discovering one of the greatest challenges is combining existing internal controls with cloud protection efforts. Highly regulated business and government organizations in particular must maintain comprehensive security and compliance postures across these hybrid systems.
See: Who has Responsibility for Cloud Security?


The Revolution Is Over, and M-Commerce Is Here to Stay
M-commerce may have been a long time coming, but last year was pivotal in cementing it as a key shopping channel, and it’s now clear that it’s here to stay. Tablet commerce, in particular, has been gaining steam. Businesses have no time to lose in optimizing their mobile site designs and measuring their performance from the true end-user perspective, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
See: The Revolution Is Over, and M-Commerce Is Here to Stay


How to Use Technology to Win a Price War
Need to keep an eye on what your competitors charge? Let software do the work for you.
See: How to Use Technology to Win a Price War

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