Gain Incredible Enterprise Insights with Big Data Analytics Software No matter what goal you want to achieve, you need the right tools to get the job done. When your small…
SAP is Humanizing Companies with “Live Business” Motto Businesses should become more human–more alive. That’s the idea that SAP expressed at this year’s SAPPHIRE NOW conference in Orlando, Florida. The…
Technology Can Be A Great Enabler Of Collaboration, Trust And Mutual Accountability Over time, business owners and executives have increasingly used the word “partner” to characterize another entity with which…
Only Way To Fight Business Misinformation Is With Accurate Analytics For decades, SAP has been recognized as a metric driven organization with state of the art systems specifically designed track…
ERP and CRM Integration for Better Big Data Analytics As small to medium sized business enterprises grow, their IT staffs inevitably integrate the enterprise’s ERP and CRM data. At that…
Three Reasons Your Company Needs Real-Time Analytics A consensus seems to be developing among business analysts that more and more upper management types at small to mid-size enterprises understand the…